
Name: Wilson
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Hanging out wit friends for movies or gaming | tastes gd food OR slack at home

Enjoy chalet, BBQ these kind of activites
Enjoy cycling | jogging | singing | play dota | watch anime, drama and movies | blogging

My Friendster

PS3 Games
Lots and lots of new clothes
Go overseas with my friends
Tour around Japan
Learn Japanese
Piano keyboard
Learn piano
My own car


Alvin Loo
Angie meimei
Ding Liang JCC
Edward playboy
Geral meimei
Geok Chuan =D
Hean Luen bro
Jing Rui
Jun Kang the cake
Kai Yi JCC
Kit Mei
Matthew didi
Shaun kun
Shirley mei mei
Qing Xia Gan-ma
Wee Keat bro
Xiao tu biao ge
Xing Jie shu shu
Yvonne JCC
Zachary JCC

November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
January 2009


Saturday, January 27
Shopping for CNY clothes
Today, went out with vincent, dean, melvin and jiawei; to shop for CNY clothes. We went to Funan eat KFC sia. LOL , dunno why go there eat lei, anyhow walk de. Then take MRT to Orchard. Went to Far East buy belt. Then walk to Wisma TopMan see see. Got 1 jeans quite nice, but $75+ woow. Nvm forget it, over budget. Then went to S&K instead. Brought a jean, 1 T-shirt, a formal jacket and a red-checked shirt, lol. spend about $130+. Shop until leg veri pain. Then go Heeren, pei jiawei go converse shop buy his shoes. Tat shoe he brought quite nice but $79, wakao. Think I go msia buy better. Had dinner at Cineleisure foodcourt. LOL. Today everyone budget abit. hmmm, quite satisfy with this year clothes. All veri decent~~ hehe. So, I left with shoes, wallet and cap havent buy >.<>

10:01 PM

Friday, January 26
Whole week not enough slp!
hehe, back on blogging. This week veri busy, didnt even come in my blog even once. Busy playing ps2, Final Fantasy X. Quite long time ago game, but I still wanted to play and understand the whole story. This game very addictive, after finished playing a chapter, I still continue playing until I gets tired, by the time I realised, it was 2am-3am; and it carry on like this for the rest of this week.

On Monday, melvin came my hse play ps2 in the morning. Wow, 9+ he reached my hse liao, call me wake up, sian so tired. Then accompany him play awhile liao, went back to slp again. LOL. slp until 1pm+, missed 1 lesson, cos cfm late one.

On Tuesday, cant rmb anything interesting. Came back from sch then play ps2 liao. Vincent msg play TD, then accompany them play lor. But sometime he wants me to play TD, I rejected liao(2 times only, hehe), cos I playing FF halfway cannot pause. LOL, then I always play nv do project, then Ken scold me sia -.-'''. sibei guai lan. LOL.

Thursday, sch end veri early. 4pm reach home le. Planning to play ps2 for the whole nite non-stop, cos Friday no sch, song muahaha. But ting ting ask me out for dinner downstair at 6, haha. Then nvm lor, pause my game at 6, then go out eat with her.

Friday, driving lesson teach Directional chng and parallel parking. The parallel parking so difficult, then no time for me to practise more, cos lesson ending liao. Then no choice, pass 1 subject nia. Sian, next lesson, drive more pro abit, then can pass 3 sub, mahahaha.

11:37 PM

Sunday, January 21
Yesterday(Saturday), me and ken and his gf went to NP open house. Ken drove us there. Then we went to Business block to eat their western food. Ken say very nice wor, but I find it normal. Walk to their Conventional Hall to find out impt info(of cos, tat why we came here for). Found out tat Ken cannot get into his Aerospace Tech(cos it is a new course for NP). As for me, I can get into Multimedia and Animation, but is a NO for Business IT. hmph, sad. Nth much to see anyway(seem everything 2 years ago), so we went back.

Today, my aunt come to visit me. haha. Is because she wanted to do some shopping in s'pore and brought me my games, movies and PS2. yay, I got PS2 le. I wan to complete FFX, FFX-2 and FFXII. Borrow FFX-2 and FFXII from jia wei, FFX from melvin, muahaha. Thanks both of u, hehe. Long ago, wanted to play those games but don have the chance, cos no PS2. Think this 3 games will keep me busy a period of time. No time for dota le.

Then accompany my aunt go shopping, shop for my cousin's clothes. At the same time, look for mine. Brought a jean. Then went to swensen's for dinner. Ordered quite alot of things, but the most special one will be White Chocolate Blondie. It was served on a hot plate, and maple butter syrup is provided to pour onto it, sweeet. Next I would like to try their Cookie Summit, hehe.

12:21 PM

Friday, January 19
Driving Crank course S course
Today, went driving wit mel again. Kinda late so cannot eat breadfast, melvin la, slp late, call him then wake up. Must thank me lo, if not he miss today lesson liao, haha.

Reached the centre, saw
jun hui coming down. He learning motorcycle. Doing the crank course and "S" course road. Beginning, do until very lousy, hit kerb and fail to signal. But practice slowly, start to get a hang on it. Saw the instructor(LIM H H) who taught me last time, greeted him and learned tat he no longer teach car, went to teach motorcycle liao la, no wonder he nv teach me liao. Pass 2 stages today, hai hao. After tat, we went to have lunch at kopitiam, then go take MRT. haha, saw richard at MRT. He learning car also, but he's private student. Then chat wit him along the way to MINDS. After MINDS can get another free lift again, Ken driving to MINDS too. hehe, no need to walk to MRT le. Accompany him to get his car at Honda Company, cos he send his car for service. What a comfortable trip, feel like slping in his car sia, haha.

4:01 PM

Thursday, January 18
New Year New Blog
Hey hey, back blogging. Changed new blogskin, new song and a new tagboard. hmmm, recently held up with some misunderstanding, didnt have the time to blog, so here's what happan during this whole week.

On Monday, melvin and me went to Ken's place, early in the morning. Go his house play his PS2. Kinda disturb Ken from slping, so he went back to slp, while we playing. Then, received info on Azza lesson cancelled. HAHA. Melvin happy lo, can play longer. After tat, we went to Lot 1 food junction had lunch, then went sch. Jus to attend 1 lesson(VB), boring.

Wednesday, we had our C Maths test. Didnt really study for the test, jus roughly look through. Hope can get high mark ba. Upcoming text will be flash and video written test, sian lo.

We gonna graduate soon, left less than 2 months. Need to choose what course to get and which poly. I've decided mine; with my GPA result now, it wont be a problem, hope so. All the best for my ite friends, hope they could get into what they want.

9:48 PM

Sunday, January 14
Tired nite
Saturday morning, wake up quite early. Cos my aunt was here. She wanted to go sembawang community centre(her 2 son are having a archery competition there), so I drove her there by her car. There are alot of schools participated; SP, Raffles, blah blah blah, all those rich ppl's kids. Watching them fixing up their bows, find it quite cool. After tat, we went back home and fetch my mum and dad out to have lunch. During lunch, we chat about alot of things, topic is wide, joke around. It feels good to have family outing occasionally too, isnt it.

After tat, went back home and prepare to meet up wit jiawei. We planning to go timbre to support vincent(competition). The whole place is jus like a mini concert. Abit crowded, but we managed to get a comfortable sit. Full of other participant's supporters; And there is this group of supporters sitting in front of us, keep blocking our view. siao ji de lei. Then cheer until damn loud(cos alot of gals). Cant stand them. Overall, the performance is great, but the result is kinda sucky. The band we don expect them to win, but they won. Call what "sexist", their singing is jus like choir, Not ROCK, not nice at all. Jus a bunch of posers. Halfway through their performance, we went off.

Planning to watch night at the museum, but we didnt manage to get a gd seat, so forget it. We went to have dinner at seoul garden. Wandering around, wanted to play lan, but there isnt any computers avaliable, so we drop the idea and went home instead. Jus by reading might think it is boring, but I do enjoy today's outing.

These few days, quite fussy. Felt some ppl around me in class is so "fake". Worried, backstab by them, aso dunno. Try not to do sumthing funny in front of me.

11:35 PM

Friday, January 12
Emptiness ?? Loneliness ??
Recently, my mood is bad. Not much things happaned. Done alot of thinking; wondering what courses I interested and what course really will bring me to a higher pt in the future. So confused. Then, wanted to go see vincent perform this saturday at timbre, requested some friends out, kena rejected. "not free" "not cfm" "donwan" is all I got. Why issit so hard for me to call ppl out, but then ppl ask me out, I quite on. All of a sudden, emptiness n loneliness strive my minds, and I jus stare at the air for 2-3 minutes. Really don like this feeling. Very sad.

Currently watching "princess hours" this korean drama, quite long oredi but tat time didnt watch when it was cast on tv. Quite funny plus romances show. Nice!! I think this might kill some of my time, if I got bored.

2 Days of heavy rain. Floods everywhere. Going out to have a dinner aso difficult. This morning (Friday) wake up early to have breadfast wit melvin, afterward need to go bbdc driving lesson. Be4 going out, thinking must I bring umbrella. Considering quite long, I decided to bring it. Atfer tat, I saw this pretty chio gal standing under the void. Before I wanted to offer her umbrella, she asked. hehe, Lucky Day, and luckily I brought the umbrella. Then we had a conversation along the way. Found tat she lived same block and same level as me. woo, neighbour; she had moved in 1 year+ but until now then I knew her existence. She study in SP, haha. But most important, I forgot to get her number. LOL.

Driving is poor for today. 1stly, it's raining; cant see clearly on the road. 2ndly, veri cold; cold until my feet numb. 3rdly, careless lo. Instructor veri gd.
Think tat's all for today ba.

11:11 PM

Tuesday, January 9
New beginning
Started sch for 2 days le. Everything hai hao(normal). Alot had commented on my hair, say very bright and all sort of things. well, i guess i shall ignore them. Dye hair doesnt mean you are "bad guys" or what (same thing goes to tatoo). So don be stupid!! hao bu hao!! Anyway I still will cut my hair short, and the colors will be gone in no time!!

Quite frustrated with what happaned today. Meimei told me they are going to vivo city for lunch, then ask me whether want to go or not. Then I ask my group of friends. But my group of friends didnt seem to bother. If you all don feel like going, say it out, can change de. Don make me do the thinking liao, then everyone not happy with it. I'm aso in the fault. Why make it so complicated, Why don just choose 1 coffee shop outside eat chicken rice jiu hao liao. Like tat nvm, We happily go vivo city. Then say hao le go "Superdog" fastfood eat. Bloody hell, end up only Ken, melvin, hanming and me eat. Rest go foodcount liao. Meimei they all go longjohn eat cos they cant eat chicken. You all don wan eat superdog, why don you all say so from the beginning. I ask all "wan eat superdog", "okok", end up some eat diff thing. Anyway, I forget it le(not frustrated la, actually). It's not a big matter. Blog it out is purely meant for destress. muahahaha.

Today Ken drove car to sch. haha. cos after sch driving his gf home. Get to have a free lift. Second time, sit his car hai hao. He drove quite well, veri stable. Hope everyday got free lift but only tuesday nia, cos only tues his gf study until very late. c bat. LOL.

Currently, working on my actionscripting project. Need to draw cute flash anime. Got alot of ideas from 1 website which own by my colleague when attachment tat time. They are veri good in flash anime and games, they taught me actionscripts too. Very good in drawing cute graphics, and their website is www.liceball.com . It's a pretty new site, so there are only a few flash anime avaliable now. The things they did are pretty much interesting. Have fun.

Hao, shall stop here. Jaa~na~.

5:59 PM

Sunday, January 7
Chalet Days
Back from chalet today at 12pm+. Damn tiring, reached home straight away went to slp until 7pm+. It is a pretty enjoyable chalet, better than the pervious one, i suppose. Mainly becos I went with the "correct" friends. Jiawei, qing xia, richard, alvin chua, alvin loo, vincent and huimin, 8 of us. Throughout the whole chalet, it's full with laughter.

Flu seems to love me very much this pass 2 days, every morning and night got flu and it didnt get any better until now. Might becos the room is damn freezing cold and lack of slp result in my flu. LOL. Even vincent cant endure the coldness and most of us got flu on the second night. 1st day and nite is all room activities. Play ps2 and mahjong. Dinner time went dinner. After dinner go arcade. After arcade go back room play the same things. Same routine!! as jia wei said, haha. Jia wei got 1 rpg game quite fun, called "champions of norrath" and we played tat until 5am.

The next day, we went to Escape theme park early in the morning 10am. Played all the rides. Then went to subway for lunch. Rest awhile in the room le, then went back to play again. Go kart ride is damn fun, can dift somemore. Then alot of the rides female attendants very chio. Got 1 damn cute, voice aso damn cute de kawaii mei mei, realli attract my attention. Wish to see her more but no choice, don interested in the rides. At night, we had bbq, standard. Chicken wing are nice cos is marinade by me. Not much happaned during bbq, so can skip. Eat finish liao, went back chalet watch tv, Jacky Wu comedy, my fav. After tat played mahjong again, play tired liao, slp. Wondering why always play mahjong? Cos there is 8 of us and 7 of us all know how to play de. wahahahaha. This time round, I didnt lose until very badly. But 1 complete round of mahjong is veri tiring, can play until veri moody.

This 3 weeks of holiday is very happaning. Tml sch start le. Very sian, still in holiday mood. Wanted to practice driving, wanted to go out with friends. Shall stop here. Jaa.

7:49 PM